Is Alkaline Water Better Than Plain Water?

Always remember, there is a big difference between naturally-made and the electrolysis (artificial) process of making alkaline water. You can drink as much of the naturally-made as you want. In fact, we have been drinking that type of water since the beginning of time.

Yes, there are a few ways to increase the pH of water. We recommend finding a source that uses multiple minerals to achieve this, not just baking soda or a calcite/corosex blend.

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The human body comprises approximately 60% water. It's vitally important, as every cell needs water to function properly, per the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Beyond maintaining the body's hydration levels, drinking water also helps to flush toxins and waste products from the body, lubricate the joints, produce saliva, and control the body's temperature, says the USGS. According to the 2006 recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences, men require around 13 cups of water and 9 cups for women per day. With these recommendations, there's no denying that water is essential for life.

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