What Is In Blue Jug Water That Make’s It So Special?

clear, clean, blue jug water.
Blue Jug water composition.

What is in Blue Jug water that makes it so special? Other waters can’t compare. Water the way it’s meant to be.

CaSO3 – Calcium Sulfite (“De-Chlorine”)

Tridymite – Tourmaline (“Piezoelectric”)

Zircon – Ion (“Energy”)

MgO + Catalyst – Increase H2, Increase pH, decrease ORP

Quartz – Taste (“Fir Energy”)

Calcite – Minerals (Ca, Mg)

Hematite – Anion Energy

Zeolite, Silver – Antibacterial

1. CaSO3 – Calcium Sulfite (“De-Chlorine”)

Calcium Sulfite is used in water treatment processes to remove impurities.

2. Tridymite – Tourmaline (“Piezoelectric”)

Used in filtration systems to remove suspended particles, sediment, and impurities from water. It is a naturally occurring mineral and acts act as filter media, trapping particles as water passes through. Tourmaline: release of ions, creates negatively charged ions, improving water quality.

3. Zircon – Ion (“Energy”)

Is a MINERAL that is commonly found in igneous rocks. Minerals like zircon can influence the properties of water through piezoelectric aka “energy”.

4. MgO + Catalyst – Increase H2, Increase pH, decrease ORP

Magnesium Oxide and a catalyst in water can lead to various changes in the water’s properties: Increase in Hydrogen (H2) Production, Increase in pH, Decrease in Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP).

5. Quartz – Taste (“Fir Energy”)

In alternative or holistic health, its a common MINERAL that can influence the taste and energy of water.

6. Calcite – Minerals (Ca, Mg)

Calcite is a MINERAL primarily composed of Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium. Calcite plays a role in water purification, particularly in the process of adjusting the water’s pH and hardness.

7. Hematite – Anion Energy

Hematite, a form of Iron Oxide, utilized in water treatment for its ability to remove certain contaminants through a process called adsorption or oxidation. Hematite has been studied for its ability to adsorb Arsenic from water. Hematite can act as a catalyst in advanced oxidation processes.

8. Zeolite, Silver – Antibacterial

Zeolites are MINERALS and Both Zeolite and Silver are known for their broad spectrum antimicrobial properties.

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