What is in Blue Jug water that makes it so special? Other waters can’t compare. Water the way it’s meant to be.
CaSO3 – Calcium Sulfite (“De-Chlorine”)
Tridymite – Tourmaline (“Piezoelectric”)
Zircon – Ion (“Energy”)
MgO + Catalyst – Increase H2, Increase pH, decrease ORP
Quartz – Taste (“Fir Energy”)
Calcite – Minerals (Ca, Mg)
Hematite – Anion Energy
Zeolite, Silver – Antibacterial
1. CaSO3 – Calcium Sulfite (“De-Chlorine”)
Calcium Sulfite is used in water treatment processes to remove impurities.
2. Tridymite – Tourmaline (“Piezoelectric”)
Used in filtration systems to remove suspended particles, sediment, and impurities from water. It is a naturally occurring mineral and acts act as filter media, trapping particles as water passes through. Tourmaline: release of ions, creates negatively charged ions, improving water quality.
3. Zircon – Ion (“Energy”)
Is a MINERAL that is commonly found in igneous rocks. Minerals like zircon can influence the properties of water through piezoelectric aka “energy”.
4. MgO + Catalyst – Increase H2, Increase pH, decrease ORP
Magnesium Oxide and a catalyst in water can lead to various changes in the water’s properties: Increase in Hydrogen (H2) Production, Increase in pH, Decrease in Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP).
5. Quartz – Taste (“Fir Energy”)
In alternative or holistic health, its a common MINERAL that can influence the taste and energy of water.
6. Calcite – Minerals (Ca, Mg)
Calcite is a MINERAL primarily composed of Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium. Calcite plays a role in water purification, particularly in the process of adjusting the water’s pH and hardness.
7. Hematite – Anion Energy
Hematite, a form of Iron Oxide, utilized in water treatment for its ability to remove certain contaminants through a process called adsorption or oxidation. Hematite has been studied for its ability to adsorb Arsenic from water. Hematite can act as a catalyst in advanced oxidation processes.
8. Zeolite, Silver – Antibacterial
Zeolites are MINERALS and Both Zeolite and Silver are known for their broad spectrum antimicrobial properties.