Alkaline Water – A Brand New Kind of Water, Or Is It?

natural freshwater stream

Alkaline water seems to be in the news everyday. One celebrity is endorsing this brand of alkaline water, or only drinks that kind of alkaline water, or just invested in a new alkaline water business, or has started a new alkaline water company, etc. etc. etc. Latest news has been a Royal only asks for a certain type of alkaline water. If a Royal is doing it, then shouldn’t we all? Then there are sports…and the number increases exponentially. It’s all good increasing the noise around alkaline water, which only betters the chance of people waking up to the benefits of drinking the best water they can find and getting away from the high-fructose sugary drinks that are eating away at our health with every sip.

But, is Alkaline Water something new? No. Alkaline Water, or water with Alkalinity has been around since the beginning of time. As water makes its way from one place to another, flowing thru, around, over and under any thing in its way, hopefully in nature, it will pick up the minerals it needs and will present the pH of that path.. This is a natural process. That is the water we have been getting from springs and wells all around the world. And people will be drawn to those areas that have the best water. Your body wants that type of water with the minerals attached to the water molecule.

Another type or way to make Alkaline Water is with an electrolysis machine that creates an artificial pH in the water without the addition of minerals. There are many websites where you can learn about this process and they will be happy to sell you a machine, which is their goal. Electrolysis is not a natural process. The benefit of this water is the Hydrogen Ion that is created in the process (You can get the Hydrogen Ion naturally, too!). You should do your due-diligence before going artificial. Question – Is there anything with the word artificial in front of it that doesn’t eventually turn out to be a bad thing?

Again, is Alkaline Water a new water…no, not at all. We just need to get back to it, naturally.

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