Got Acid Reflux?

A strong opinion by Jerry Lockhart…

You know folks, some things are just simple. Take the fairly common occurrence in adults in America, Acid Reflux. When you consider what that is, it is obvious what needs to change to get it to go away. Simple: change the acidity in the stomach, If one’s primary drink is water with alkalinity, it begins to change the stomach content in the correct manner, that’s all. It will then continue to change the stomach to a more balanced pH and it will never destroy good bacteria and the stomach will maintain itself for the acid it needs. It is simple: got acid reflux? drink Blue Jug Alkaline Water. It is water with the proper alkalinity defined by the mineral content. “Water the way it’s meant to be!” Hey, that would be a great slogan—oh, wait, it already IS our slogan!

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